Raw Reflections from the Journey

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Heavenly Haircut About A Bloody Past

She survived the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, but her parents and siblings did not (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Killing_Fields). Ironically it was her survival of those horrors that stayed her self-execution when her husband of 20 years became unfaithful. "It is Asian custom to not talk about shameful things, but I thought, 'I've survived worse than this. Why would I kill myself?'"

I was an unsuspecting customer for a haircut this morning when the Lord decided to interrupt an ordinary morning with an extraordinary conversation.

My stylist's story is one of remarkable courage and perseverance in the face of malicious godlessness and sin. First a totalitarian government steals the joy of life with her family, and then her husband's adultery begins a season of living death for his once cherished bride and children. So sad, and still she survives.

I asked if faith had played a part in her survival. "Yes", she said. But what she talked about more than her faith was her loyal and compassionate customers in whom she confided her marital situation and thoughts of suicide. "For six months they listened, and even had me to their homes to talk. I felt cared about and they made some suggestions that helped me."

Hmmm. Heroic life-saving by a cadre of customers who paid for a service and paid back with priceless care and compassion. She groomed their heads and they held her heart. The result is that her heart continues to beat with renewed hope and emerging joy.

I don't know what deposits I left in my stylist's life today, but I know that this unexpected appointment reminded me about the way of life as a Kingdom special agent. "Anytime, anywhere, with anyone...be prepared to speak about the reason for the hope that you have, and to adminster the grace of God according to the gifts you have received."

Continually surprised in Washington,



  1. How true, God selects people each day for us to share Him with. It is our choice whether to take time and listen to his voice or do we drown it out with our own busy voices. The thing that resonates most in those situations is how they touch our lives more than we can touch theirs. God sure knows how to transform the situation to his purposes when we stop and listen!

  2. Gary, the key is listening, eh? Do I listen when I pray or just ask and tell God the things I want and want Him to know? How much more humble, effective and good to ask what He wants us to know and do?

